Employment in Canada – Top 10 Resume Building Tips for Newcomers


Many Newcomers and immigrants, eager to enter the Canadian workforce, may find it challenging, considering the number of barriers that hinder their chances for finding meaningful employment. As a Newcomer, it can be definitely be discouraging to enter a competitive job market in which a great deal of candidates seemingly have an advantage over you.


A resume is one of the greatest tools that a candidate can make use of when seeking promising opportunities within the job market. Your resume is a reflection of you, on paper – your professional achievements, your academic credentials, your skills and qualifications. With a well-written, professional resume, newcomers will be able to stand out among other candidates.


Make Sure That Your Resume Is Well-written


When writing a resume, take time to proofread and ensure that there are no spelling, punctuation or grammar errors. In addition, it is important to keep the resume brief and succinct and not to include any information that is redundant or unnecessary altogether.


Customize Your Resume


Customize your resume to align your skills and qualifications with the job description of the position you are applying for. In addition, allude to how your individual goals would align with the organizational mission and objectives. By customizing your resume, you show the organization that you, as a newcomer to Canada, took the time and initiative to really research the company and position and reflected on how you would fit in the role.


Keep It Professional


Keep the resume professional. Personal photos are not required for your resume. Also refrain from including casual language, humourous content, unprofessional email addresses or work experiences that are not professional or should not be shared. You are a Newcomer to Canada, working from a Newcomer Job Board. Employers will have some leeway for habits brought from home. Overall though, you should play it safe.


Avoid Using Graphic Logos, Tables, Headers and Footers


By including logos, tables, headers and footers, your resume becomes less ATS compliant. ATS, otherwise known as an Applicant Tracking System, is an applicant screening software that companies use in the recruitment and selection process. By using any of the aforementioned, the algorithms used for this software may not be able to properly assess your resume.


Include Keywords or Buzzwords


By including keywords or buzzwords specific to the role that you are applying for, you are more likely to be picked out by the ATS software that a particular firm is using. Many employers are looking specifically for newcomers to Canada, or anyone who might be experiencing barriers to entry to the Canadian labour market. Feel free to share that information if prompted.




Quantify your achievements. Include figures when mentioning any of your previous achievements employment or academia. For instance, if you were responsible for increasing marginal profits at the previous firm you worked for, mention the increase amount (e.g., percentage).


Highlight Your Skills and Qualifications


This tip is self explanatory; however, it is important to note that there are certain ways in which you can promote yourself. Speak on past achievements that highlight your capabilities to effectively and efficiently manage the role you are applying for. Rather than merely making a generic statement listing your skills and qualifications, use previous examples where you demonstrated these.


Use Action Verbs


Action verbs like produced, managed and influenced, are great for starting statements pertaining to your skills and qualifications.


Formatting and Font


Make sure to use an appropriate sized font that is legible. In terms of font styles, simple is always better. Times New Roman, Cambria and Garamond are all great fonts that are aesthetically pleasing and professional. Use a good amount of spacing between the lines in your resume. Jumbled lines and narrow margins will make it difficult to for the person reading.


Be Specific


Do not make general statements but rather specify the content as much as possible. By doing so, you will help the reader with insight into your skills and qualifications and why you are the ideal candidate for the position.


If you are a newcomer looking to find work in Canada, head over to www.newcanadianjobs.ca.
If you are an employer looking to hire a Newcomer to Canada, you should look at www.newcanadianjobs.ca/post-a-job/

Finally, take a look at our other employment resources below.